His achievement, and it is naturally an exceptional one, is to portray the many sides of Falstaff, the good and the bad, without judgment, matter-of-factly, with the grace of a dancer and the earthy wisdom of a well-beloved sage. It is a privilege to see Stacy Keach in the role. His authority as an actor informs every aspect of his performance, from the humor to the lies to the brief flashes of anger. He is at the center of Shakespeare Theatre Company’s magnificent Henry IV Part 1, and his bombastic charm vaults the play into the realm of Shakespeare’s finest. Urn:oclc:634078396 Republisher_date 20151204064358 Republisher_operator Scandate 20151202023349 Scanner, like Sherlock Holmes, is one of those characters who are so memorable they almost seem alive. Urn:oclc:record:793912691 Extramarc The Indiana University Catalog Foldoutcount 0 Identifier henryjames00haro Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t07x06w9r Invoice 1213 Isbn 0791063526ĩ780791063521 Lccn 2001047545 Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 Openlibrary OL9595776M Openlibrary_edition Containerid S0022 Donorīostonpubliclibrary Edition 1. Presents critical analyses of five novels by Henry James, each with a plot summary and list of characters, and includes a biography of James, and an index of themes and ideasĪccess-restricted-item true Addeddate 14:47:30.458491 Bookplateleaf 0004 Boxid IA1138422 Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark II City Broomall, Pa. Crews on The golden bowl John Bayley on love and knowledge in the novel Oscar Cargill on The golden bowl Stephen Spender on the destructive element Austin Warren on symbolic imagery Adeline Tintner on the museum world Frederick C.

Nussbaum on straightness and surprise - Plot summary of The golden bowl - List of characters in The golden bowl - Critical views on The golden bowl. Jones on Lambert Strether and the past recaptured Martha C. Percy Lubbock on the craft of fiction F.O. Crews on The wings of the dove Leo Bersani on the narrator as center in the novel Barbara Hardy on The wings of the dove Kevin Kohan on victims of metaphor in the novel Gary Kuchar on consciousness and the variation of style in the novel - Plot summary of The ambassadors - List of characters in The ambassadors - Critical views on The ambassadors. Matthiessen on The wings of the dove Frederick C. Pippin on Isabel Archer's 'beastly pure mind' - Plot summary of The wings of the dove - List of characters in The wings of the dove - Critical views on The wings of the dove. Dupee on the tree of knowledge Leon Edel on The portrait of a lady Ora Segal on The portrait of a lady Peter Buitenhuis on American episodes and the novel Clair Hughes on the color of life : the significance of dress in the novel Alex Zwerdling on Henry James's cosmopolitan opportunity Robert B. Sloper and Morris Townsend as character doubles - Plot summary of The portrait of a lady - List of characters in The portrait of a lady - Critical views on The portrait of a lady. Schneider on the cage Robert Emmet Long on romance shadows in the drawing room Robert Emmet Long on Dr. Richard Poirier on the comic sense Ellen Douglass Leyburn on achievement of artistic mastery Daniel J. Includes bibliographical references (105-108) and indexīiography of Henry James - Plot summary of Washington Square - List of characters in Washington Square - Critical views on Washington Square.